There are also a number of smaller advantages. Crystal Saw holds twice as RuneScape gold many charges (which will be 56 after upgrading). 2 chompy birds will always be in Chompy Bird Hunting. You'll be able to receive Chompy Chick's pets from Chompy Bird Hunting. 150 Ogre Arrows for free from Rantz each day and more. The players in Western Banner 4 also gain access to the locked room located beneath the temple at Ape Atoll and Hunter Masters Red Chinchompa Hunting Ground.
Wilderness. Main reward: Wilderness Sword 4. Absolutely, it is the most risky Achievement Diary to complete since it's mostly PvP zones. Benefits of completing this diary as well as having this item are unlimited the possibility of teleporting to Fountain of Rune, shortcuts to Lava Dragon Isle, and Deep Wilderness Dungeon. People who make money will use this Diary most often to benefit from the noted Dragon Bones drops since completing Elite Wilderness tasks makes all of the Dragons who are found in Wildy drop the bones noted only.
When wielded, Wilderness Sword 4 will always cut webs, allow quicker log cutting from Ents and provide 50 percent additional Lava Shards of Lava Scales. It allows up to five ecumenical keys simultaneously, and allow teleporting freely to chosen destinations with Ancient Obelisks. The other benefit is of free access to Resource Area, 50 random free runes from NPC Lundail (once per day) as well as increased Dark Crab catch rates.
The primary aspect in Achievement Diary rewards is skilling. A lot of players complete different tasks in order to get items, which may help them cut down the amount of time needed to acquire specific levels in certain skills. People who want to buy old school runescape gold make their Agility training more efficient can farm to obtain Ardougne Cloak using Ardougne Diary and Karamja Gloves from Karamja Diary.